Turd Monger

A Turd Monger is somebody that produces particularly strong, foul smelling bowel movements. This individual can be an extreme source of frustration to others that happen to walk into a restroom recently utilized by this culprit or happen to share occupancy in a restroom when this offender decides to unload. It can be even more frustrating if you walk into a polluted restroom unknowingly after the perpetrating Turd Monger used it, do an immediate about face and pass someone else on the way in. They immediately assume you're the pollutant and give you the look of death.
On this page, you will find 30 slang terms related to Turd Monger. Some of the top words include: raz clot, turd burgler, Turd Burgaler, turdburgler, turd burglar, and 25 more.